Date: June 30, 2019
Time: 10:00 – 15:30
Location: Bettyhill Hall
Join us for a Bumblebee Identification Course with Katie Malone (The Bumblebee Conservation Trust)
Event Report & Photos

On a glorious day in June, we assembled at Bettyhill village hall to attend an ID course given by Katy Malone from Bumblebee Conservation. Katy’s course was very interesting, informative and enjoyable. After taking us through the essentials of bumblebee id we had a break for lunch, followed by a practical bee spotting session at the Farr Glebe.
It was unfortunately however too hot for the bees to be active down at the Glebe Meadow, with only two common carders being netted. Although unable to catch it, Katy did spot a Great Yellow. (Bombus distinguendus).
We all spent a pleasant afternoon looking for elusive bees and enjoying the beautiful surroundings of the meadow, taking away with us our newly acquired skills to search further afield and in our own gardens on a cooler day perhaps for these remarkable insects
Thank you to Katy and to The Bumblebee Conservation Trust for providing thecourse.
Comments from participants:
It was a great course and I too , have been checking the garden finding at least 7 white tailed females in the pink geraniums straight away. Now to find the endangered great yellow…. I am on a mission. Thanks to Katy and the group for organising this. Will sign up for the Bee walk for sure. (Nadine Aikman)
Thanks for a wonderful day. So informative and interesting. (Nancy Speirs)
Thank you, Katy, it was really interesting, I learnt so much. (Sue Wright)