Welcome to
North Sutherland
Wildlife Group
A community-based natural history charity situated
on the north coast of Sutherland, Scotland.
About The Group
We aim to promote enjoyment, protection and study of the amazing wildlife and stunning natural landscape of the north of Sutherland by:
North Sutherland is rich in wildlife, but species here have been under-recorded historically. Every decision that’s made about the environment depends on reliable wildlife information. By encouraging accurate wildlife recording, the group helps to ensure that important decisions are based on the best, most up-to-date wildlife records. Sightings made by group members are passed to relevant groups to correct the historical under-recording.
Everyone is welcome, residents and visitors. Please send in your records, and join our Facebook community to share your sightings and to find out what others have seen in the area.
To join the group, or for more information, get in touch.
Join our Facebook Group
Our active Facebook group has over 900 members and is a great place to post sightings and chat with others.
Submit a Sighting
Sightings made by members are forwarded to the relevant statutory groups helping correct the historical under recording in the area.
We’re a community group with charitable status and donations help to keep our events free to all.
Read our articles and other posts below. Have you got an article to share? Get in touch
We organise outdoor, indoor and online events throughout the year across the region. Our events include talks from local and visiting experts, training, ID skills and practical workshops.
If you are interested in running an event for us then get in touch.
Upcoming Events

The Abigail Rhodes Photography Competition 2024
There are two categories in this year’s competition

Farr Glebe Wildflower Volunteer Day
Sunday 1st October. Let’s keep the Farr Glebe buzzing!

Borgie Big Local Picnic
23rd September at Borgie Breco. Wildlife Walk, nature activities and tree planting.