Saturday 23rd July 2022
We have been successful in receiving a grant via Volunteering Matters – Action Earth (Funded by NatureScot), for a seed collection, sowing and growing project. We decided to launch the project with an event at the Farr Glebe Bumblebee reserve.
We whiled away a few hours with a lovely walk around the Farr Glebe Bumblebee Reserve accompanied by Highland Ranger Paul Castle who provided everyone with some very interesting facts about bumblebees. We saw a number of white-tailed and common carder bumblebees, small tortoiseshell butterflies, an antler moth and a common lizard sitting in a decaying puffball fungi. All, while surrounded by an abundance of beautiful wildflowers, including field scabious, common knapweed, greater knapweed, birds-foot trefoil, red campion, yellow rattle, red clover, white clover and many more.
We will be monitoring the site to check on flower seed development and over the next few months we look forward to us all joining together for some sunny seed collection days at the Farr Glebe, to ensure the sustainability of this wonderful and very important reserve. We aim to sow and plant the sparser areas on the site and also make seed available for growing on and planting up on the site and in participants gardens.