The committee is pleased to announce the winner of the 2022 competition.
(Click on the images to see them full size)
This year’s winner of the Abigail Rhodes Trophy is:
‘Saxicola at Staxigoe’ by Valerie Clark.

The judges comments: ‘I loved the lighting and the composition, with the bird’s beak matching the hawthorn thorns.’
Runner-up is:
‘Common Darter with meal’ by Stephen Kirkup.
Here are this year’s highly commended photographs along with the judge’s comments
(all images clickable for full size).
‘Fungi and Cone’ by Pete Binder. “I liked the viewpoint of the woodland floor.”
‘Swans, Tree, Loch Stack and Arkle’ by Rachel Skene. “Atmospheric.”
‘Early Days – Infant Common Sandpiper’ by John Wright. “Great detail in the feathers.”
‘Juvenile Pollack and Saith under Kelp’ by Nick Law. “Lovely lighting and I envy anyone who can take underwater photos.”

A big thank you to our judge this year, naturalist and keen photographer Gwen Richards, Secretary of the Assynt Field Club.
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition, below is a random selection of entries. Details of our 2023 competition will be announced soon.